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In the conifer species examined, the minimum ratio of internal to ambient CO2 measured in leaves during artificially imposed drought [(C-i/C-a)(min)] was strongly correlated with the minimum rainfall observed within the natural range of each species. This suggests that the distributions of these species are constrained by the drought tolerance of their photosynthetic apparatus. A good correlation was found between the ratio of internal to ambient CO2 measured in leaves under optimal conditions (C-i/C-a)(max) and leaf delta(13)C (and hence inferred integral [c(i)/c(a)]). Neither of these, however, correlated with the environmental parameters considered most likely to be limiting species distribution, i.e, precipitation and altitude. These data suggest that decreasing water availability may have been the major factor responsible for the restriction and extinction of conifers in the southern hemisphere. " name="eprints.abstract" /> <meta content="1998" name="eprints.date" /> <meta content="published" name="eprints.date_type" /> <meta content="Functional Ecology" name="eprints.publication" /> <meta content="12" name="eprints.volume" /> <meta content="3" name="eprints.number" /> <meta content="465-471" name="eprints.pagerange" /> <meta content="10.1046/j.1365-2435.1998.00213.x" name="eprints.id_number" /> <meta content="TRUE" name="eprints.refereed" /> <meta content="0269-8463" name="eprints.issn" /> <meta content="http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2435.1998.00213.x" name="eprints.official_url" /> <meta content=" Ashton, P.M.S. & Berlyn, G.P. (1994) A comparison of leaf physiology and anatomy of Quercus species in different light environments. American Journal of Botany 12, 589–597. JSTOR Atwill, P.M. & Clayton-Greene, K.A. (1984) Studies of gas exchange and development in a sub-humid woodland. Journal of Ecology 12, 285–294. JSTOR Bowler, J.M. 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(1988) On the role of photosynthetic responses in constraining the habitat distribution of rainforest plants. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 12, 343– 358. Gibson, N., Barker, P.C.J., Cullen, P.J., Shapcott, A. (1995) Conifers of Southern Australia. Ecology of the Southern Conifers (eds N. J. Enright & R. S. Hill), pp. 223–251. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. Gibson, N., Davies, J., Brown, M.J. (1991) The ecology of Lagarostrobos franklinii (Hook.f.) Quinn (Podocrpaceae) in Tasmania. 1. Distribution, floristics and environmental correlates. Australian Journal of Ecology 12, 215–222. Goodman, H.S. (1980) The 13C/12C ratio of atmospheric carbon dioxide at the Australian baseline station, Cape Grim. Carbon Dioxide and Climate: Australian Research (ed. G. I. Pearman), pp. 111–114. Australian Academy of Science, Canberra. Hill, R.S. (1995) Conifer origin, evolution and diversification in the southern hemisphere. Ecology of the Southern Conifers (eds N. J. Enright & R. S. Hill), pp. 10–29. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. Hubick, K.T., Farquhar, G.D., Shorter, R. (1986) Correlation between water-use efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination in diverse peanut (Arachis) germplasm. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 12, 803–816. Huc, R., Ferhi, A., Guehl, J.M. (1994) Pioneer and late stage tropical rainforest tree species growing under common conditions differ in l leaf gas exchange regulation, carbon isotope discrimination and leaf water potential. Oecologia 12, 297–305. Knapp, A.K. & Smith, W.K. (1991) Gas exchange responses to variable sunlight in two Sonoran desert herbs: comparison with subalpine species. Botanical Gazette 12, 269–274. CrossRef, JSTOR Körner, Ch. & Diemer, M. (1987) In situ photosynthetic responses to light and carbon dioxide in herbaceous plants from low and high altitude. Functional Ecology 12, 179–184. JSTOR Körner, Ch., Farquhar, G.D., Roksandic, Z. 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ISSN 0269-8463" name="eprints.citation" /> <meta content="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/2647/1/Funct__ecol.pdf" name="eprints.document_url" /> <link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/DC/elements/1.0/" /> <meta content="The photosynthetic drought physiology of a diverse group of southern hemisphere conifer species is correlated with minimum seasonal rainfall " name="DC.title" /> <meta content="Brodribb, Tim J." name="DC.creator" /> <meta content="Hill, Robert S." name="DC.creator" /> <meta content="270402 Plant Physiology" name="DC.subject" /> <meta content="270400 Botany" name="DC.subject" /> <meta content="The instantaneous and integrated leaf gas exchange of 13 species of southern hemisphere conifers grown under identical glasshouse conditions were examined to determine whether there was any correlation between the characteristics of water use at the leaf level and environmental water availability. In the conifer species examined, the minimum ratio of internal to ambient CO2 measured in leaves during artificially imposed drought [(C-i/C-a)(min)] was strongly correlated with the minimum rainfall observed within the natural range of each species. This suggests that the distributions of these species are constrained by the drought tolerance of their photosynthetic apparatus. A good correlation was found between the ratio of internal to ambient CO2 measured in leaves under optimal conditions (C-i/C-a)(max) and leaf delta(13)C (and hence inferred integral [c(i)/c(a)]). Neither of these, however, correlated with the environmental parameters considered most likely to be limiting species distribution, i.e, precipitation and altitude. These data suggest that decreasing water availability may have been the major factor responsible for the restriction and extinction of conifers in the southern hemisphere. " name="DC.description" /> <meta content="1998" name="DC.date" /> <meta content="Article" name="DC.type" /> <meta content="PeerReviewed" name="DC.type" /> <meta content="application/pdf" name="DC.format" /> <meta content="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/2647/1/Funct__ecol.pdf" name="DC.identifier" /> <meta content="http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2435.1998.00213.x" name="DC.relation" /> <meta content="Brodribb, Tim J. and Hill, Robert S. (1998) The photosynthetic drought physiology of a diverse group of southern hemisphere conifer species is correlated with minimum seasonal rainfall. Functional Ecology, 12 (3). pp. 465-471. 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is correlated with minimum seasonal rainfall</h1> <p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><span class="person_name">Brodribb, Tim J.</span> and <span class="person_name">Hill, Robert S.</span> (1998) <xhtml:em>The photosynthetic drought physiology of a diverse group of southern hemisphere conifer species is correlated with minimum seasonal rainfall.</xhtml:em> Functional Ecology, 12 (3). pp. 465-471. ISSN 0269-8463</p><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"></p><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><tr><td valign="top" style="text-align:center"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/2647/1/Funct__ecol.pdf"><img alt="[img]" src="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png" class="ep_doc_icon" border="0" /></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/2647/1/Funct__ecol.pdf"><span class="ep_document_citation">PDF</span></a> - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer<br />124Kb</td><td><form method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" action="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/cgi/request_doc"><input accept-charset="utf-8" value="3470" name="docid" type="hidden" /><div class=""><input value="Request a copy" name="_action_null" class="ep_form_action_button" onclick="return EPJS_button_pushed( '_action_null' )" type="submit" /> </div></form></td></tr></table><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block">Official URL: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2435.1998.00213.x">http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2435.1998.00213.x</a></p><div class="not_ep_block"><h2>Abstract</h2><p style="padding-bottom: 16px; text-align: left; margin: 1em auto 0em auto">The instantaneous and integrated leaf gas exchange of 13 species of southern hemisphere conifers grown under identical glasshouse conditions were examined to determine whether there was any correlation between the characteristics of water use at the leaf level and environmental water availability. In the conifer species examined, the minimum ratio of internal to ambient CO2 measured in leaves during artificially imposed drought [(C-i/C-a)(min)] was strongly correlated with the minimum rainfall observed within the natural range of each species. This suggests that the distributions of these species are constrained by the drought tolerance of their photosynthetic apparatus. A good correlation was found between the ratio of internal to ambient CO2 measured in leaves under optimal conditions (C-i/C-a)(max) and leaf delta(13)C (and hence inferred integral [c(i)/c(a)]). Neither of these, however, correlated with the environmental parameters considered most likely to be limiting species distribution, i.e, precipitation and altitude. These data suggest that decreasing water availability may have been the major factor responsible for the restriction and extinction of conifers in the southern hemisphere. </p></div><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" cellpadding="3" class="not_ep_block" border="0"><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Item Type:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Article</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Additional Information:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com </td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Keywords:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">carbon-13 discrimination; drought response; photosynthetic gas exchange; water-use efficiency </td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Subjects:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/view/subjects/270402.html">270000 Biological Sciences > 270400 Botany > 270402 Plant Physiology</a><br /><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/view/subjects/270400.html">270000 Biological Sciences > 270400 Botany</a></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Collections:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">UNSPECIFIED</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ID Code:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">2647</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited By:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><span class="ep_name_citation"><span class="person_name">Scholarly Publications Librarian</span></span></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited On:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">10 Dec 2007 14:33</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Last Modified:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">11 Feb 2008 11:29</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ePrint Statistics:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a target="ePrintStats" href="/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=2647;">View statistics for this ePrint</a></td></tr></table><p align="right">Repository Staff Only: <a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::View&eprintid=2647">item control page</a></p> </td></tr></table> </div> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></td> </tr> <tr> <td><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/footer_eprints.lbi" --> <table width="795" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" class="footer"> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="2"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.utas.edu.au">UTAS home</a> | <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/library/">Library home</a> | <a href="/">ePrints home</a> | <a href="/contact.html">contact</a> | <a href="/information.html">about</a> | <a href="/view/">browse</a> | <a href="/perl/search/simple">search</a> | <a href="/perl/register">register</a> | <a href="/perl/users/home">user area</a> | <a href="/help/">help</a></div><br /></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><p><img src="/images/eprints/footerline.gif" width="100%" height="4" /></p></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="68%" class="footer">Authorised by the University Librarian<br /> © University of Tasmania ABN 30 764 374 782<br /> <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/cricos/">CRICOS Provider Code 00586B</a> | <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/copyright/copyright_disclaimers.html">Copyright & Disclaimers</a> | <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/accessibility/index.html">Accessibility</a> | <a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/feedback/">Site Feedback</a> </td> <td width="32%"><div align="right"> <p align="right" class="NoPrint"><a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/"><img src="http://www.utas.edu.au/shared/logos/unioftasstrip.gif" alt="University of Tasmania Home Page" width="260" height="16" border="0" align="right" /></a></p> <p align="right" class="NoPrint"><a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/"><br /> </a></p> </div></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><p> </p></td> <td><div align="right"><span class="NoPrint"><a href="http://www.eprints.org/software/"><img src="/images/eprintslogo.gif" alt="ePrints logo" width="77" height="29" border="0" align="bottom" /></a></span></div></td> </tr> </table> <!-- #EndLibraryItem --> <div align="center"></div></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>